Dear friends, I apologize for the inconvenience, but I’ve had a minor hiccup with my mailing list and anyone who signed up between May 15 and May 22 was not successfully added to the list, despite the confirmation message you may have seen. If you signed up between these dates, please do so again—the problem…
Category: Personal
The Greatest Showman
I love The Greatest Showman, a spectacular movie which I watched last night for the fourth time. Everything about it is perfect. I think it is a great work of art. The story, about love and a great entrepreneur, is captivating. The music and songs delight, haunt, and thrill; they are performed flawlessly, as is the acting. Hugh…
Magnificent Painting
Today I hung and lit a magnificent new painting by Bryan Larsen. The painting is especially spectacular under its nightlights. These lights bring it alive and show the diffusion of the light from Prometheus’s torch, which spreads left to the muses until the last two are more subdued. It is an intriguing painting. What is…
COVID-19: Damage, Destruction, Depression, and Disaster
No, I have not joined the mad media mob that is prophesying the end of the world. I am only evaluating the grossly irresponsible and irrational edicts of politicians such as Governor Newsom in California, President Trump, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer.. They are shutting down the motor of the world. Governments are causing untold…
COVID-19 Update: Keep Calm and Carry On
This message brought some comfort to the English during the height of World War II as England was being bombed by the Nazis every day and night. The Queen, hereby, is granting America the rights to use this message to help Americans deal with the virus. May it bring us, too, some small measure of comfort…
Book Recommendation: Eamonn Butler’s An Introduction to Capitalism
If you would like a clear, coherent, and concise primer on capitalism, read An Introduction to Capitalism. Its author, Dr. Eamonn Butler, is a co-founder of the Adam Smith Institute in London, and the book is a great introduction. It’s written in plain English, assumes no prior knowledge of economics, and contains no academic or…
An Evening with James Valliant and Friends
James Valliant and a few close friends joined me for dinner last Wednesday, and we discussed James’s latest book, Creating Christ: How Roman Emperors Invented Christianity, as well as his earlier book, The Passion of Ayn Rand’s Critics. I recently read Creating Christ and found it fascinating. The book’s basic thesis is that Christianity was…
A Visit with Eamonn Butler
Eamonn Butler recently visited my home, and we had a wonderful time discussing ideas. Eamonn is cofounder and director of the Adam Smith Institute (ASI), secretary of the Mont Pelerin Society, and author of many books, including works on the ideas of Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, Ludwig von Mises, and Ayn Rand (his book on…
Good News Abounds
The world is not going to Hell. In fact, it’s moving towards “Heaven on Earth.” In recent decades, innovators and entrepreneurs have produced greater progress and abundance than ever before—and they continue doing so at an ever-increasing rate. A few stats: Extreme poverty in the world has been cut in half in 10 years –…
Philosophy Humor
Leonard Peikoff shared with me one of his favorite cartoons, which I love. Enjoy!