Whenever a doctor recommends a medication or supplement, I ask Dr. Google about side effects before taking them. Usually, there’s a long and frightening list. Side effects are tricky…. Some things have horrible side effects, such as partying and overindulging in food and booze that leads to a hangover the next day. Overeating—we eat the…
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An Education Revolution
I was having dinner with Peter Diamandis, the founder of XPrize (an exciting organization—Google it), and I asked him what his next big moonshots were. He said: education and healthcare. “So, you want to reform education in America?” I asked. “No,” he said, “I want to crush it and replace it.” I asked him how…
Stunning Statistics
This year marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Adam Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations. At the time that book was published, capitalism was just beginning. At that point in time, approximately 90% of the global population lived in extreme poverty. Approximately 20% of the English and French weren’t able to work…
Progress and Good News for Objectivism
Prometheus Foundation (PF) had a remarkable year, awarding nearly $3 million to organizations and individuals promoting Ayn Rand’s ideas all over the world. Here are some highlights. Students For Liberty (SFL) After years of planning with SFL to popularize Rand’s ideas, we launched the Prometheus Fellowship program and awarded more than 70 fellowships, bringing students…
Women Being Lied To
Mark Twain wrote: “A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” Women have been lied to, the outcome of which is seriously detrimental to their health. According to Dr. Peter Attia “the widespread panic over hormone therapy risks have not been remotely justified. Yet, tragically, literally…
The Destruction of Career Colleges
This short article from CASE outlines the assault against private career colleges by political agitators. Carl B. BarneyJune 1, 2023
Miracle Drug
Two doctors and a nurse practitioner were reviewing the results of a routine examination and tests. They looked them over and said, “Mr. Barney, everything is normal. In fact, some of these results are impressive, quite a bit above normal. I think you’re in remarkably good health.” I smiled and nodded. They followed up with,…
Founding Ayn Rand Center Israel and the Ayn Rand Atlas Award for the Best Israeli Startup
About 12 years ago, along with Boaz Arad, I founded and funded the Ayn Rand Center in Israel (ARCI)—and I have continued to participate and fund it during the last decade. Israel is now on the Objectivist map, and Boaz is encouraging and receiving contributions from others. To support ARCI, I founded, along with Boaz…
The Killing of CollegeAmerica and CEHE
(This post follows my earlier post: “Persecution: Prosecutorial Abuse in Colorado.” It provides a lot more detail for those interested—those in the career college sector, and the former employees of CEHE. Feel free to share this. Others can safely ignore this unless you want to read a horror story of government corruption.) The Wall Street…
Persecution: Prosecutorial Abuse in Colorado
(This post is intended for those in the career college sector and for the former employees of CollegeAmerica and the Center for Excellence in Higher Education. This is an update. Others can safely skip this post. Feel free to share this.) Former Colorado Assistant Attorney General, Olivia “Libby” DeBlasio-Webster, is a far-left political activist now…