In this post, I wrote that the video of Jordan Peterson at OCON 2018 had only 30,000 views on ARI’s YouTube channel. A reader informed me that the video is also posted on Dave Rubin’s channel and that it has 288,000 views there. The reader also pointed out that Peterson was onstage for 100 minutes,…
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Breaking News: Revolutionary Cancer Test
This post is intended for my friends and family, not for general distribution. There is truly exciting breaking news for cancer screening. It’s called a Grail. It is a new technology called “liquid biopsy” that is done via a blood test. It is just now becoming established and has limited FDA approval. It is available…
Living Long and Enjoying It
If we wish to live long and enjoy being alive, an effective exercise plan is critical—it is sine qua non. “If exercise were a drug, it would be the best drug we have for preventing heart disease, dementia, osteoporosis, depression, diabetes, and obesity, said James O’Keefe, MD on Peter Attia’s podcast. On the same podcast,…
Doctors’ Political Leanings
I saw a fascinating chart that sets forth which American doctors are Republicans and which are Democrats. The chart is reprinted below. With regard to the widespread advocacy of lockdowns and masks, as well as other political manipulations, the results are interesting. Note that infectious disease doctors are over 75% Democrat. Is this fake news?…
OCON Canceled Me
I’ve been going to OCON for about the last 40 years (before it was even called OCON). I’ve enjoyed catching up with friends each year, and I would miss them if I didn’t go to OCON. At this year’s conference, there’s going to be a tribute to Leonard Peikoff, and I would enjoy being part…
A Delightful Message
I’m reprinting a delightful letter from author Anne Lamott on the value of reading: “If you love to read, or learn to love reading, you will have an amazing life. Period. Life will always have hardships, pressure, and incredibly annoying people, but books will make it all worthwhile. In books, you will find your North…
Peter Schwartz Claims “Unjust Attacks on ARI”
Peter Schwartz wrote in a forum, among many of my friends, colleagues, and associates, that he has “no objection to someone who criticizes ARI’s policies or strategies,” but that I’ve gone too far. I’ve been criticizing ARI over the last several months, and he says I’ve engaged in “smears and half-truths.” He makes two claims…
A Few Corrections to “Good News Regarding Leonard Peikoff”
I want to clarify two things about my recent post, “Good News Regarding Leonard Peikoff.” Regarding Lisa Van Damme’s operetta presentation, I wrote: “… he [Leonard] expects to deliver [it] in April.” The April date was mentioned casually and was not intended as a firm date. There’s still much to be done, and Leonard and…
Millions Exposed to Ayn Rand: Is this Wrong?
(For Objectivists and members of HBL) Craig Biddle’s interview with Dennis Prager, “A Dialogue About God and Ayn Rand,” has now exceeded 1.2 million views. It has set an all-time record for views of Mr. Prager’s Fireside Chats, and it has generated the highest number of Fireside Chat comments on YouTube (more than 1,400), most…
Freedom & Liberty
A Reverend Dudley once asked Ayn Rand, “What are we going to do with the two billion [now almost eight billion] people that populate the Earth?” She replied: The only thing to do with them is to do nothing. The only good thing we can do for mankind is to leave it alone, which means…