I’m reprinting a delightful letter from author Anne Lamott on the value of reading: “If you love to read, or learn to love reading, you will have an amazing life. Period. Life will always have hardships, pressure, and incredibly annoying people, but books will make it all worthwhile. In books, you will find your North…
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Peter Schwartz Claims “Unjust Attacks on ARI”
Peter Schwartz wrote in a forum, among many of my friends, colleagues, and associates, that he has “no objection to someone who criticizes ARI’s policies or strategies,” but that I’ve gone too far. I’ve been criticizing ARI over the last several months, and he says I’ve engaged in “smears and half-truths.” He makes two claims…
A Few Corrections to “Good News Regarding Leonard Peikoff”
I want to clarify two things about my recent post, “Good News Regarding Leonard Peikoff.” Regarding Lisa Van Damme’s operetta presentation, I wrote: “… he [Leonard] expects to deliver [it] in April.” The April date was mentioned casually and was not intended as a firm date. There’s still much to be done, and Leonard and…
Millions Exposed to Ayn Rand: Is this Wrong?
(For Objectivists and members of HBL) Craig Biddle’s interview with Dennis Prager, “A Dialogue About God and Ayn Rand,” has now exceeded 1.2 million views. It has set an all-time record for views of Mr. Prager’s Fireside Chats, and it has generated the highest number of Fireside Chat comments on YouTube (more than 1,400), most…
Freedom & Liberty
A Reverend Dudley once asked Ayn Rand, “What are we going to do with the two billion [now almost eight billion] people that populate the Earth?” She replied: The only thing to do with them is to do nothing. The only good thing we can do for mankind is to leave it alone, which means…
Craig Biddle Engages with PragerU to Bring Ayn Rand’s Ideas to Millions
My purpose and the purpose of my Prometheus Foundation/Objectivist Venture Fund is to promote Ayn Rand and advance Objectivism. I am ambitious. I want to do this worldwide and for many millions of people. It will take many millions before we have an impact on the culture. We’re starting—just starting—to reach millions. Craig Biddle, Executive…
I think many of us love the quote from Francis Bacon: “Knowledge is power.” Clearly, knowledge is a very high value. The road to success and happiness is paved with knowledge. Knowledge is one of the highest values of any reasoning mind. But I realized some years ago that it’s not sufficient. It’s correct and…
My Upcoming Book on “Prequests”
Some have asked what my book is about and what is a “prequest.” Throughout my life, I’ve received a lot of help and support from many people. When I sat down to write my will, I made a list of close friends, people who had significantly changed my life (Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff are…
Craig Biddle and Dennis Prager Discuss Ayn Rand and God
Craig Biddle, executive director of Prometheus Foundation, recently sat down with Dennis Prager at his home for a Fireside Chat about religion, Objectivism, and American values. To date, the video has been viewed by more than 870,000 people (680,000 on YouTube alone) and is in the top four most viewed Fireside Chats ever. It is…
Good News Regarding Leonard Peikoff
Friends of Leonard Peikoff have been concerned about his health. Over the last few years, he has not been well, and recently he was hospitalized with COVID. Believing that he was still unwell, I was surprised when he asked to have dinner with me. We got together last night, and I was even more surprised….