My purpose and the purpose of my Prometheus Foundation/Objectivist Venture Fund is to promote Ayn Rand and advance Objectivism. I am ambitious. I want to do this worldwide and for many millions of people. It will take many millions before we have an impact on the culture. We’re starting—just starting—to reach millions.
Craig Biddle, Executive Director of Prometheus Foundation and Founder of Objective Standard Institute (OSI), has worked with Prager University and engaged with Dennis Prager in a benevolent 1-hour and 20-minute interview discussing Ayn Rand’s ideas. The video is projected to reach over one million viewers—not just clicks, but viewers who actually watched the interview. (See that video and my prior post on it here.)
In addition, Craig and his team at OSI helped PragerU to develop a remarkable 5-minute video regarding Ayn Rand that immediately went viral and has reached over two million viewers. The thousands of comments from intelligent young people show that they are actually watching (again, not just clicking). See this video below.
Craig has ambitious plans. He’s working to reach very large audiences, to introduce them to Ayn Rand’s ideas, and to motivate them to read Ayn Rand’s books. (During the week that the 5-minute video was released, sales of Atlas Shrugged on Amazon surged by 50%.)
Objectivism is a vital, crucially important philosophy, and the world needs to know about it. Craig and his organizations, the Objective Standard Institute and The Objective Standard (journal), are achieving extraordinary results, and I commend them.
Can you provide the source for the claim that Atlas Shrugged sales surged during the week of the PragerU video release? How do I find these numbers? Thanks.