I heartily recommend to you my favorite doctor, Dr. Google.
One example: I recently had a full-body MRI as part of my longevity program. I was wondering what the MRI would or would not show and what I could learn from it. I had planned to ask the radiologist… but decided to go to my favorite doctor instead. And I found out all kinds of interesting things from Dr. Google that my radiologist might not have had the time, or perhaps even the knowledge, to answer. For instance, it told me:
- What does an MRI show and what doesn’t it show?
- Can an MRI miss anything?
- If so, how often does it miss things?
- What information can be gained from what the MRI shows?
- Does an MRI show nerve damage?
- Can a pinched nerve be detected with an MRI?
- Does an MRI show muscle damage?
- Would a tumor show up on an MRI?
- Should one get a second opinion on an MRI when something shows up? (The answer, by the way, is “yes.”)
- How accurate are MRI scans? (For the record, about 90%.)
- And loads of other information.
While my doctor may have taken 30 minutes to explain these things, I got so much more information from Dr. Google in a 2- to 5-minute search.
I consult with Dr. Google whenever I have a medical question, and I suggest you do too.
Carl B. Barney
September 12, 2022
My favorite book on beating cancer with patient-administered, non-traditional means is Ann Cameron’s ‘Curing Cancer With Carrots.’ Amazon reader reviews & my own personal success say Cameron is onto something great! Sadly, doctors are restricted only to ‘standard of care’ 2nd-hander protocols. Let’s do better!
Excellent and its timely as my brother just died of cancer and related problems which he and I fought for 2 years. What we learned about MRI is get your own copy of the MRI file downloaded onto a disk and be sure all the teams and Dr.s have it uploaded to their office files. Physically take the disk to all hospitals and teams and personally be sure they look at it for their specialty and insight. A metastasizing tumor in his heart was spotted just this way. Be sure the file is seen by all the teams not just the ordering team.
This is a patient responsibility.
Live on Carl
Bill Altenburg
Carl, are there particular websites that you find generally useful for medical stuff?
I’ve used WebMD and the Mayo Clinic a few times.